Friday, 2 September 2011

Phone hacking scandal continues

With the summer break ending, we're wondering what the next development will be in the phone hacking scandal? Will any more celebrities or important individuals come forward to claim that their phone numbers have been hacked? And will anymore heads role?

After all, who could forget those memorable scenes before parliament rose for the summer recess when James Murdoch and Rupert Murdoch appeared before John Whittingdale, Louise Mensch, Tom Watson and the rest of the MPs on the Culture, Media & Sport select committee? To see the mighty media mogul attacked with a plate of shaving foam was a very surreal experience!

Will the Prime Minister manage to disconnect himself from his former communications director Andy Coulson, or will Mr Cameron's Premiership be brought down by this scandal? Coulson's gone, Rebekah Brooks has gone, the News of the World has gone, and there is still a lot more of this drama left to go. Get comfy for the next act!

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