Friday, 21 October 2011

Murdochs to face pressure at first post-phone hacking News International AGM

You may have read our posts earlier in the year about the phone hacking scandal and therefore know that, as a telecoms related blog, we have been following the story with some interest. We aim to cover all phone related stories, not just those relating to virtual London numbers. Within the last few weeks, the Serjeant-at-Arms in the House of Commons has announced her retirement. This was soon followed by an announcement by the Speaker, John Bercow, that security for the DCMS Select Committee hearing that the Murdochs were at was not good enough, and that they would look into creating a new Director of Security post for Parliament. We suspect that the timing cannot have been coincidental, and that Jill Pay was the latest individual to lose her job over the hacking furore. Saying that, she hasn't been too popular since allowing the police in to arrest Damian Green 2 or 3 years ago.

Anyway, Murdoch is back in the spotlight again today, as it is the first annual general meeting of News International since the phone hacking scandal erupted earlier this year and he was forced to close News of the World. Apparently he is going to face a tough time, and Tom Watson MP has been invited along to make it that little bit harder for him. We will report on what happens next week.

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