Friday, 12 August 2011

Virtual fax to email numbers

Just a thought on something I read the other day ...

When you get a virtual local phone number, such as virtual 0207 numbers for London, you are presumably doing it to appear to be somewhere you're not. For example, to appear to be based in an office in London whereas actually you are driving around in a van in London, or based in an office just outside of London to save cost.

However, what people don't think about is that they need to get a fax number to match the virtual number too, otherwise you blow your cover when someone asks for the fax number for your office, and you have to give one which shows you're not in London, or wherever your virtual numbers are set up for.

Getting a virtual fax to email is also a great excuse for modernising the way you receive faxes. Instead of via a fax machine, they're turned into PDF and sent straight to your email account, so you don't have to print them, waste ink, paper, electricity, etc.

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